Ryan Nazareth

Ryan's Data Analytics Blogs

SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt

This demo will introduce a package tSQLt, whcih can be used to unit test tsqlt code [1]. All the code used in the examples is accessible from this github repository. First we will restore the A...

AWS Personalize for recommending new movies to users, based on their ratings to other similar movies

Amazon Personalize allows developers with no prior machine learning experience to easily build sophisticated personalization capabilities into their applications. With Personalize, you provide a...

AWS Fraud Detector for classifying fraudulent online registered accounts for simulated data from Kaggle

Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed service that can identify potentially fraudulent online activities. These can be situations such as the creation of fake accounts or online payment fraud...

Forecasting American Football Fever in AWS using Wikipedia Page Hits

Forecast is a fully managed AWS service for time-series analysis. It can select from multiple time series prediction models to find the best one for your particular data sets. Amazon Forecast au...

Setting up AWS Code Pipeline to automate deployment of tweets streaming application

In this example, we will configure AWS CodePipeline to build an ECR image and deploy the latest version to lambda container. The application code will stream tweets using python tweepy librar...

Examples of deploying and hosting a Machine Learning Model with FastAPI

This repository contains code for asynchronous example api using the Fast Api framework, Uvicorn server, SQlAlchemy, Postgres Database for crud operations in db tables. It also uses the PyCaret...

Scheduling starting and stopping RDS instances with AWS Eventbridge

I found this Tutorial Dojo article and AWS blog on automated solutions for stopping/starting RDS instances with EventBridge and Lambda very interesting so I thought I will use a more programmat...