Ryan Nazareth

Ryan's Data Analytics Blogs

Streaming tweets using AWS kinesis data streams and firehose

In this workflow, we will create a lambda container image lambda_packages/tweets-image which contains twitter streaming application code. When invoked, it will publish records into kinesis str...

Classifying images into custom labelled food categories using AWS Rekognition

Rekognition is the AWS service for computer vision. It’s capable of object detection, facial recognition and analysis, celebrity detection, text extraction, as well as detect any inappropriate c...

Crime geospatial analysis using geopandas and keplergl

In the demo, we will analyse UK Crime Data with Pandas and GeoPandas. We will first collect latest crime data from Police API., We will then look at the properties of geospatial data and explore t...

Configure AWS Batch to update RDS and Redshift with data from S3

AWS Batch simplifies running batch jobs across multiple Availability Zones within a Region. It comprises the following components: Job Definition: Specifies container properties, environ...

Using ElasticBeanstalk to automatically deploy a webserver

As an alternative to the workflow described in aws-vpc/code-deploy/README.md which involves manual steps to deploying an EC2 instance using AWS CodeDeploy - we can also use AWS Elastic Beanstalk ...

Deploying a Flask App to EC2 with RDS and Redshift

Deploying Flask App to EC2 In this example we will create a web server running on an Amazon EC2 instance and create a MySQL database instance. Both the Amazon EC2 instance and the DB instance ru...

Introduction to Markov Processes using practical examples

Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) are generative models that can compute the joint distribution among random variables in a system by explotiing the conditional indpendence relationship between...